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Which of your roles was the most challenging to perform? Why?

Let's just say that I had been preparing to voice Harley Quinn for most of my life. She's been one of my favorite villans since I was a kid, so I guess I had been trying to perfect her since the very first time I heard her speak. The accent itself was pretty straight forward and easy for me to get, but getting the voice down was difficult for me because I wanted to sound exactly like the woman who voiced her at the time. Obviously they want you to sound similar to the original, but I've learned that they also want a different twist on it. Now I have only ever voiced her for Robot Chicken, but I still consider that a pretty exciting accomplishment for me.

What fictional character do you have the biggest crush on?

There are so many! Is that really weird for me to admit? I'm pretty sure I had a weird crush on The Joker when I was a kid, but I can't really remember much about that so I'm going to go with Aladdin. He's got a nice tan, nice abs, and a prize winning smile. And he was voiced by the guy who played Steve on Full House! Also, the guy has a genie and a flying carpet.

How has your career changed since it started?

I get invited to a lot of conventions now, which is almost more fun than doing the voiceover stuff. Not only do I get to geek out with fellow fans of other people's work, I get to meet my own fans as well. I also get a little more creative freedom when I'm working with people I know. Working in film is a little different, but a lot of the same work goes into it. There's also this tiny little thing going to be released in December that I'm not allowed to talk about (Star Wars), and that's got me a lot more attention lately.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into voice acting?

Practice. And when you think you've practiced enough, go and pratice more. Voice acting is pretty difficult to get into because one person can do so many voices, but if it's something you really want then you just have to keep at it. A lot of the people I've worked with have taken singing lessions to help with with their vocal range, so I would definitely suggest investing in that if you can. Improv classes can't hurt, too. The job isn't just sitting behind a mic all day and making silly sounds, you know? Like, you have to really project emotion into your voice to bring those characters to life.

What one thing would you be most disappointed if you never got to experience it?

Comic Con. I know that's probably a really random answer, but there is nothing like being on a panel at Comic Con. It's kinda scary because you're sitting in front of a giant crowd, but it's also so rewarding to be able to answer questions and talk about your job with your fans. The con also sells out so fast that I would have never been able to go on my own if I wasn't in my situation.

How would you describe yourself in five words?

I'm too legit to quit.


1 March ♥ 122 notes #frankie gallagher, #adventure time, #star wars, #q&a